aslinux embeded qt as GUI develop

Published: 12 Feb 2016 Category: linux

embeded qt

The article embeded qt seems to be for 4.8.x version only, it can’t be used for version 5.x.x. And I still encounter build issues, but I ignore the build errors as I need to fix the run command ts_calibrate issue “ts_open: No such file or directory” of tslib when it try to open device /dev/input/touchscreen0. So that I need to research how to simulate a touchscreen on qemu vexpress a9, I search it on google, but I didn’t find anything that could help me, it realy made me headache.

But I have found out that the qemu mini2440 do support the QT/LCD simulation, so I would like to try the qemu mini2440 firstly to see whether it works. So I spend some more time to google on the net and set up the enviroment, but when the qemu-system-arm mini2440 boot from the nand.bin, it is OK to boot the kernel but the kernel would panic as the below message.

Warning: unable to open an initial console.
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

I feel no good and don’t know how to fix the issue. so I think I should stop and start to read the fucking source code of u-boot and kernel

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